Thursday, February 14, 2013

CELEBRITY INSPIRED - Megan Fox Golden Globe Makeup Tutorial

I was watching the Golden Globes the other night and Megan Fox was there, looking just as pretty as ever, but her makeup was simply flawless and perfect, it looked liked she wasn't wearing a lot of makeup but in all reality she was probably wearing quite a bit. Her look was very natural but pretty at the same time. Her foundation was flawless and perfect in every way, well her eye makeup was very simple but elegant. So I thought I'd break it down for you. I recreated the look Megan wore for the Golden Globes, It was pretty simple and easy although my foundation took the longest, the eye makeup was fast and pretty, my boyfriend liked this look a lot.

Hope you like it :) I also think this is a nice look for Valentines Day, maybe add some liquid eyeliner to the upper lash line to make it a bit more sexy and dramatic.

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